Tuesday, February 2, 2010

This Looks Familiar

Here's the deal: I'm pretty good at starting things and pretty bad at finishing them... or even continuing them.
This is probably my fourth attempt at a blog and I begin this one with hesitation. I'd like to say that I will faithfully update, but only time will tell.
I do know I have things to say.
I also know that things happen to me.
So I should have things to write about...

These are the things I don't want:
-I don't want to be a blogging "show off" always trying to impress everyone with my witty ideas and mastery of grammar
-I don't want to present myself as one who knows it all
-I don't want blogging to feed my ego and self-love... they already have plenty of food and I'm trying to throw it all out!

These are the things I want:
-I want a way to keep people (who care) updated about my life
-I want an outlet to wrestle with my own ideas
-I want a roadmap of my faith journey
-I want a chance to see God speak through me and be glorified
-I want a way to be present on the web without using Facebook

Here goes nothing...

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